  • Osprey men at arms 系列

    ... Osprey Men124 - German Commanders of WWII.ZIP Osprey Men125 - The.armies.of.islam.7th-11th.centuries-by.elffriend.pdf Osprey Men129 - Romes_enemies_1_germanic_and_dacians.pdf Osprey Men131 - Germany's_Eastern_Front_Allies_1941-45.pdf Osprey Men135 - Battle ...
    论坛:FTP 资料区 作者:恶狠狠
    点击:965 回复:15 发表时间:1203691485
  • 看下折成RMB要多少?算上运费要多少?

    http://hobbyworld.aoshima-bk.co.jp/scripts/hw/seeke.aspx?seek_code=FSH0066 [b]FINISHERS URETHANE CLEAR GP2[/b] [b]Discount:2256.Yen[/b]/Price:2400.Yen 6%Off InStock:8 order 看下折成RMB要多少?算上运费要多少?
    论坛:民用装备与车辆模型 作者:neowu4
    点击:653 回复:6 发表时间:1178529010
  • 前阵在hobbyeasy把想买的放到购物车里,但现在网站里却找不到该物品信息,是不是缺货了?

    hobbyeasy经常缺货 你可以给老板发信让他reorder,不过一般很难
    论坛:民用装备与车辆模型 作者:66822711
    点击:198 回复:3 发表时间:0
  • 前阵在hobbyeasy把想买的放到购物车里,但现在网站里却找不到该物品信息,是不是缺货了?

    你可以下order,没有会告诉你的,经常显示有货,等你下单的时候就没有了 遇见过许多次了 正在组织hobbyeasy团购,有兴趣参加一下,目的就是节省邮费
    论坛:民用装备与车辆模型 作者:66822711
    点击:198 回复:3 发表时间:0
  • 【金属底漆问题】用过的进来看看啊!!

    版主 ======================[error string missing] SELECT * FROM forum_special WHERE forum_id = '6' ORDER BY id ===================这是什么意思?????????!!!!
    论坛:新手服务练习区 作者:13791877307
    点击:274 回复:10 发表时间:0
  • 爱德美梅卡瓦4求解

    爱德美官网发布梅卡瓦4 [url=http://www.academy.co.kr/eng/ssCartimate/itemDetail.jsp?cid=9&iid=399&orderBy=iid%20DESC&imgMode=N]http://www.academy.co.kr/eng/ssCartimate/itemDetail.jsp?cid=9&iid=399&orderBy=iid%20DESC&imgMode=N[/url] 1、炮管是否还像以前一样不可动。 2、炮塔表面看来是光滑滑的 ...
    论坛:装甲与坦克模型 作者:xiaoming
    点击:2871 回复:18 发表时间:0
  • [转帖]JimHatch作品:“TigerI”LateProduction—虎Ⅰ后期型

    ... more pliable. Lining them up against a ruler, I stretched them gradually by a fraction. The zimmerit was then immediately applied to the slabs. ... thinned coat of base colour over the whole model in order to tone down the previous light and dark effects. The ...
    论坛:情景模型与精彩图片 作者:bill
    点击:1440 回复:9 发表时间:0
  • CSM 恐虐狂战士

    [quote][b]下面引用由 [url=http://www.imx365.com/userdetail.mpl?userid=14475]高贵的狼[/url] 在 [i]2009-06-30 00:56:23[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] NMM大法流行啊!“金”色的表达是如何处理的呢?[/quote] 呵呵,我手艺很烂,就不误导大家了,还是贴个链接来说明吧[url]http://www.coolminiornot.com/article/aid/54/page/5/orderby/date[/url ...
    论坛:人物与兵人模型 作者:ppp604
    点击:614 回复:8 发表时间:1246359207
  • CSM 恐虐狂战士

    [quote][b]下面引用由 [url=http://www.imx365.com/userdetail.mpl?userid=24279]ppp604[/url] 在 [i]2009-06-30 09:22:00[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] [quote][b]下面引用由 [url=http://www.imx365.com/userdetail.mpl?userid=14475]高贵的狼[/url] 在 [i]2009-06-30 00:56:23[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] NMM大法流行 ...
    论坛:人物与兵人模型 作者:ppp604
    点击:614 回复:8 发表时间:1246359207
  • 见到超音速清洗机,这个好用吗?

    论坛:新手服务练习区 作者:steed
    点击:19 回复:12 发表时间:0
  • 德国明斯特坦克博物馆(一)———首发于imx365

    ... Army from the war. Most of the vehicles are in working order, with restoration work ongoing to render all examples functional. The ... personal possessions. Also, every type of firearm and weapon used by the German Army in both world wars is displayed.[/color ...
    论坛:兵器资料区 作者:bill
    点击:45 回复:19 发表时间:1259844581
  • 虎虎生威:陈列在英国Bovington坦克博物馆的虎Ⅰ重型坦克

    ... located on the firewall, when complete they will be covered by canvas sleeves. A control panel is installed above the driver's head ... lop-sided.[/align] [align=center][/align][align=center]So in order to have both tracks fitted with the grouser trailing you ...
    论坛:兵器资料区 作者:bill
    点击:46 回复:14 发表时间:1308890528
  • 虎虎生威:陈列在英国Bovington坦克博物馆的虎Ⅰ重型坦克

    ... =center]The Tiger rolls out again, hauled into the sunlight by a Challenger ARRV. Is this the start of the final stage ... this a later development? Incidentally this wading tank was constructed in order to test the prototype Maus tank, hence the size.[/align ...
    论坛:兵器资料区 作者:bill
    点击:46 回复:14 发表时间:1308890528
  • 请问哪里可以买到1/24的车模改装轮圈呢?

    论坛:新手服务练习区 作者:无限s2000
    点击:162 回复:2 发表时间:0
  • 无题 这个很给力 但是已过期!

    ... owing to the intense programme, it will not be possible to vary the start times for any session nor change the order of the courses. Thursday 25th November 2010 (Introductory lesson) • 9:00 – 16:00 Arrival, check in, and preparation & registration ...
    论坛:人物与兵人模型 作者:unforgiven
    点击:409 回复:1 发表时间:1295414144
  • [开盒报告]乌克兰Condor/ICM 1/72 MiG-25P/PU(2/16更新板件对比)

    ... 。 Order Number: 173-15-5747 Order Status: Shipped Order History: 02 Feb 2009 - Received 06 Feb 2009 - Order Shipped Supplier: HobbyTerra http://www.hobbyterra.com orders@hobbyterra.com Shipment Method STANDARD AIR MAIL Tracking Information: Track # ...
    论坛:飞行器与飞机模型 作者:大艦巨砲主義者
    点击:13333 回复:109 发表时间:1235710693
  • Lt.Willy的二战美英AFV新品速递~08.10.14 DML

    ... 零件和一些改进过的零件。(3年前,估计应该是我收到的第一款龙的M4系列产品,6255。引导我走上考证与改造的起点。) By the way, the reason for M4A2 PTO delay is the fact that there were some serious last minute changes made to the kit contents. It will still include some Iwo Jima parts and markings not really ...
    论坛:模型版件评测 作者:Lt_Willy
    点击:149 回复:122 发表时间:1224202265
  • 请教坛子88炮达人关于德军车载88炮的相关材料。。。

    ... 18 Selbstfahrlafette auf Zugkraftwagen 12t[/b][/color][/size] In 1939, order was placed by the Waffenamt to build 10 8.8cm Flak 18 ... 14 vehicles were delivered in June and July of 1943, but the order was cancelled and further production did not continue ...
    论坛:模型版件评测 作者:taizi888888
    点击:460 回复:10 发表时间:1237259689
  • 【ACADEMY】新款:12221 1/48 F-15C MSIP Ⅱ

    F-15C MSIP Ⅱ product code : 12221 * New armaments such as AIM-9M, AIM-9X, AIM-120B, AIM-120C included * Decal printed by Cartograf included * Photo-etched part included 原文出处:[url=http://www.academy.co.kr/eng/ssCartimate/itemDetail.jsp?cid=10&iid=427& ...
    论坛:模型版件评测 作者:如来魔兔
    点击:973 回复:17 发表时间:1279453509
  • 求助版主,请回复。

    ... ,t.browse,t.replys FROM bbs_topics AS t LEFT JOIN bbs_posts AS p ON t.id = p.topic_id LEFT JOIN forum_forums AS f ON t.forum_id = f.id WHERE p.id IN (1882475,1906121,1880887,1488317,1867874,1881563,1890883,1907165,1919716,1924295) ORDER BY t.id DESC“ 求助中。
    论坛: 作者:kk68
    点击:143 回复:5 发表时间:1427453631