  • Minenraumer——老外手办的德军怪物:三轮扫雷车

    这个东西有1/35模型 RPM的Minenraumer扫雷车 货号35100估计不太好买到
    论坛:装甲与坦克模型 作者:月光铁甲寒
    点击:968 回复:19 发表时间:1206319842
  • 怪物——Raumer S Minenraumer

    ... on 2.7m diameter steel wheels. These were set on different track widths at front and rear, so as to sweep a wider path. Each section of the Raumer S was powered by a Maybach HL90 motor. It was captured at end of the war by the U.S Army. 贴个毛坯, 上菜 ...
    论坛:Smart Kit 小比例模型 作者:ehammer
    点击:711 回复:6 发表时间:1235993514
  • 纳粹的压路机——Raumer S Minenraumer

    ... on 2.7m diameter steel wheels. These were set on different track widths at front and rear, so as to sweep a wider path. Each section of the Raumer S was powered by a Maybach HL90 motor. It was captured at end of the war by the U.S Army. 贴个毛坯, 上菜 ...
    论坛:装甲与坦克模型 作者:ehammer
    点击:877 回复:14 发表时间:0
  • 【手板模型教学贴】教你一步一步做Raumer S Minenraumer——10月23日更新

    ... 都手办,一是累,而是大小很难一致 这是参考的1:35的同型号模型
    论坛:装甲与坦克模型 作者:ehammer
    点击:2852 回复:21 发表时间:1225473867
  • 修正版 Raumer S Minenraumer

    ... 2.7m diameter steel wheels. These were set on different track widths at front and rear, so as to sweep a wider path. Each section of the Raumer S was powered by a Maybach HL90 motor. It was captured at end of the war by the U.S Army. 贴个毛坯, 上菜 ...
    论坛:装甲与坦克模型 作者:ehammer
    点击:2095 回复:16 发表时间:1237209567
  • 修正版 Raumer S Minenraumer

    ... 2.7m diameter steel wheels. These were set on different track widths at front and rear, so as to sweep a wider path. Each section of the Raumer S was powered by a Maybach HL90 motor. It was captured at end of the war by the U.S Army. 贴个毛坯, 上菜 ...
    论坛:Smart Kit 小比例模型 作者:ehammer
    点击:497 回复:4 发表时间:1236076331
  • 我也来阅兵——视觉冲击(8月18日更新,总数已达480了,超过贴图限制,更新在5楼)

    ... ,卡尔运输轨道车,树脂K2670 9、Panzer 38(t)、38(t)系列,一共19辆 Attack 35(t),UM 38(t)C型、38(t)指挥型,Attack Auflarungspanzer SdKfz.140/1,UM SdKfz.140/1,ACE ... 长谷川、爱德美、长谷川小车x3,长谷川、环球摩托x2 14、未分类,一共3辆 全手板Raumer S Minenraumer,树脂T35,EMHAR Mk.IV [b]* * * * * * * * * * 德军现代系列[/b] 1 ...
    论坛:Smart Kit 小比例模型 作者:ehammer
    点击:4735 回复:67 发表时间:1251688094
  • 猛模型的新冷门

    [quote][i] 有两家出过 RPM(塑料) CMK(树脂) 你认为会吗?[/i][/quote] 在板件未明了前,用“可能性”的说法最客观。 这个地球大得很,不是所有事情都在意料中。 再给个链接,到时候对比一下不是更客观? http://scalemodels.ru/articles/2296-RPM-1-35-Schwere-Minenraumer-VsKfz-617---katok-dlja-minnykh-polejj.html
    论坛:模型版件评测 作者:naggarok
    点击:2003 回复:31 发表时间:1324644612
  • 猛模型的新冷门

    ... 给个链接,到时候对比一下不是更客观? http://scalemodels.ru/articles/2296-RPM-1-35-Schwere-Minenraumer-VsKfz-617---katok-dlja-minnykh-polejj.html[/i][/quote] 就你而言,最客观的,最应该去做的就是先了解清楚了,再来发表意见. 拿来主义 ...
    论坛:模型版件评测 作者:naggarok
    点击:2003 回复:31 发表时间:1324644612